AISCLI WEBINAR SERIES 2025. Juan Ignacio Oliva Cruz: (Eco)Materialism: Resizing Humancentric Attitudes in the Symbiocene. Respondent: Carmen Concilio.
- January 28, 2025 at 5 pm CET
- Streaming link
BEGIN:VCALENDAR … BEGIN:VEVENT TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250129 UID:602_aiscli_event DESCRIPTION: // more info on // streaming link 19%3ameeting_ODIzNWVmMjUtNGViNi00YTMyLWExZTctY2UzNzAyNGYxZjM0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7 b%22Tid%22%3a%2213b55eef-7018-4674-a3d7-cc0db06d545c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a949cdb0-0cd4- 4039-8559-dc085bf03f84%22%7d STATUS:CONFIRMED SEQUENCE:1 X-APPLE-TRAVEL-ADVISORY-BEHAVIOR:AUTOMATIC SUMMARY:AISCLI WEBINAR SERIES 2025. Juan Ignacio Oliva Cruz: (Eco)Materialism: Resizing Humancentric Attitudes in the Symbiocene. Respondent: Carmen Concilio. DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250128 BEGIN:VALARM X-WR-ALARMUID:602_aiscli_event_alarm UID:602_aiscli_event_alarm TRIGGER:-PT15H X-APPLE-DEFAULT-ALARM:TRUE ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Chord ACTION:AUDIO END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Juan Ignacio Oliva Cruz (Universidad de la Laguna) will talk about “(Eco) Materialism: Resizing Humancentric Attidues in the Symbiocene” with Carmen Concilio (University of Torino).
Juan Ignacio Oliva is Full Professor of Anglophone Postcolonial Literatures (with an interest in Ecocriticism). He studies humans and their environment in ecopoetry, and the interactive observation of landscape and the relationship of sensitive selves with an agent and eloquent nature. In addition to several co-edited monographs in journals such as ExCentric Narratives (3), or RCEI (64/77/81/82/83), he has edited The Painful Chrysalis. Essays on Contemporary Cultural and Literary Identity (Peter Lang, 2011), Realidad y simbología de la montaña [Reality and Symbology of the Mountain] (UAH, 2012) and co-edited Revolving Around India(s): Alternative Images, Emerging Perspectives (CSP, 2019). He is editor of Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (2014-), and head of the Universidad de La Laguna Centre for Canadian Studies (1997-). Currently, he holds the position of president of the Spanish James Joyce Association (2019-), and vice president of SAAS (Spanish Association for American Studies): He was also president of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and the Environment (EASLCE, in the period 2014-2016) and of the Spanish Association for Interdisciplinary India Studies (AEEII, 2014-2019). He is a member of the research groups GIECO-Franklin-UAH (Ecocriticism) and Ratnakara-UAB (Indian Ocean Literatures).
Carmen Concilio is Full Professor of English and Anglophone Literatures at the University of Torino. She is recipient of the Canada-Italy Innovation Prize 2021, member of AISC and former President of AISCLI. She has published Trees in Literatures and the Arts: Humanarboreal Perspectives in the Anthropocene with Daniela Fargione (Lexington 2021), Imagining Ageing. Representations of Age and Ageing in Anglophone Literatures (Transcript, 2018), Antroposcenari. Storie, paesaggi, ecologie with Daniela Fargione (Il Mulino 2018), and New Critical Patterns in Postcolonial Discourse. Historical Traumas and Environmental Issues (Trauben 2012). Her main fields of research and expertise are the Literature of Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and the Caribbean, Urban studies, Photography, Migration, Human and and Environmental Rights. As far as Environmental Humanities are concerned, she has published also on topics such as water and megadams, waste and gardens.